We are all (almost) millionaires

Never before have expectations been so high about what human beings can achieve with their lifespan. We’re told, from many sources, that anyone can achieve anything. We’ve done away with the caste system. We are now in a system where anyone can rise to any position they please. And it’s a beautiful idea. Along with that is a kind of spirit of equality. We’re all basically equal. There are no strictly defined kind of hierarchies.


There is one really big problem with this, and that problem is envy. Envy, it’s a real taboo to mention envy, but if there is one dominant emotion in modern society, that is envy. And it’s linked to the spirit of equality. Let me explain. I think it would be very unusual for anyone here, or anyone watching, to be envious of the Queen of England. Even though she is much richer than any of you are. And she’s got a very large house. The reason why we don’t envy her is because she’s too weird. She’s simply too strange. We can’t relate to her. She speaks in a funny way. She comes from an odd place. So we can’t relate to her. And when you can’t relate to somebody, you don’t envy them.


The closer two people are, in age, in background, in the process of identification, the more there is a danger of envy — which is incidentally why none of you should ever go to a school reunion — because there is no stronger reference point than people one was at school with. But the problem, generally, of modern society, is that it turns the whole world into a school. Everybody is wearing jeans, everybody is the same. And yet, they’re not. So there is a spirit of equality, combined with deep inequalities. Which makes for a very — can make for a very stressful situation.


It’s probably as unlikely that you would nowadays become as rich and famous as Bill Gates, as it was unlikely in the 17th century that you would accede to the ranks of the French aristocracy. But the point is, it doesn’t feel that way. It’s made to feel, by magazines and other media outlets, that if you’ve got energy, a few bright ideas about technology, a garage, you too could start a major thing. And the consequences of this problem make themselves felt in bookshops. When you go to a large bookshop and look at the self-help sections, as I sometimes do, if you analyze self-help books that are produced in the world today, there are basically two kinds. The first kind tells you, “You can do it! You can make it! Anything is possible!” And the other kind tells you how to cope with what we politely call “low self-esteem,” or impolitely call “feeling very bad about yourself.”
– Alain de Botton, TED talk

The above quote perfectly encapsulates the flip side of doing whatever you want. In a world where anyone can do anything, why are you less successful than the other guy? Who’s to blame when you fail?

You are. And man, that’s a tough truth to accept.


4 responses

  1. Nice Article about the people in society , I agree with you , Now a Days We are not caring about others like they are Poor or Rich…Thanks

  2. It’s a tough truth to accept but also an incredibly empowering one.

    Once you accept full responsibility for everything in your life – – that your current situation is the result of every decision and action you’ve made up until this point in your life, then you have assumed control and can take new actions to get to where you want to be.

    – – –
    It’s crazy that I met you last night at Dane/Andrew’s house in Encinitas and then get an email today from GrowthHacker.tv about the book you were telling me about. Sometimes some pretty wild coincidences happen.

    Hope to see you again soon!

    – Steve

    1. Thanks man! Great meeting you as well.

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